Now that spring is here, the weather is warmer and the roads are clear. Many riders will be taking their motorcycles out of storage. If your bike has been sitting in storage for a few months you’re probably excited to finally get back on the road, but don’t rush! You’ll need to check over your bike to make sure everything is good to go, so that you can safely ride. Using the acronym T-CLOCK, an easy way for riders to remember what to inspect on their bikes, will help make sure that every component of your motorcycle is ready to go before the first ride of the season. What does each letter stand for?
T = Tires – Check over tires to make sure they are in good condition. Tires need to have the proper air pressure and tread depth. Look over wheels to make sure there are no dents, cracks or bent spokes. Also, look over brakes to make sure there’s not too much wear.
C = Controls – Inspect brake and clutch levers and pedals. All cables should be in good condition with good connections, no kinks or other damage. All cable and other mounts should be tight. All the hoses on the motorcycle should be free of cuts, cracks, bulges and leaks, as well as positioned so they don’t interfere with the bike steering. The throttle should move freely and snap closed with no resistance or hang-ups.
L = Lights and Electrical – Make sure the headlight’s high and low beams are both working and that they are aimed correctly. The bike’s taillights should light up when both the front and rear brakes are hit. All turn signals should operate correctly on the front and back of the motorcycle. Make sure the battery holds enough charge, all cables are properly connected and wiring is free of damage.
O = Oils – Check all fluid levels on the bike including the oil, coolant and brake fluids. If the oil hasn’t been changed recently, change it. Make sure that there are no leaks anywhere on your motorcycle.
C = Chassis and Chain – Scan over the frame of the motorcycle. It should be free of cracks, bends or other damage. All mounts should be tight and secure. Handlebars should be straight and not have irregular movement. The front forks on the bike should be straight and free of damage, and the bike’s chain should have proper tension and be lubed.
K = Kickstand – Take a look at the kickstand. It should be free of damage and not bent. Make sure the bike stands up correctly when sitting on the kickstand. Also make sure that the kickstand stays up in place while riding the motorcycle.
T-CLOCK will help you recognize potential problems before they put your safety at risk. It’s necessary to go over your bike before you take your first ride of the season, but it’s also a good idea to go over this checklist before every ride.
Hupy and Abraham is dedicated to keeping motorcyclists safe. The firm’s “Watch for Motorcycles” campaign promotes motorcycle awareness and we also work to inform riders of the safest practices while on the road.
Call 800-800-5678 or visit HUPY.COM today.