In 2020, 7,967 crashes occurred in Dane County, Wisconsin. There were 33 lives that were lost, and 2,257 people suffered injuries. Here, our Madison car accident lawyers take a closer look at some common causes of Dane county crashes, where they occurred, and what people who have been hurt or lost a loved one can do after an accident.
Dane County Bike Crashes in 2020
There were 90 bike accidents that were reported in Dane County during 2020. Thankfully, no lives were lost in these crashes, but 85 people were hurt throughout the County, including in the communities of:
- Albion
- Cottage Grove
- Cross Plains
- Deerfield
- Fitchburg
- Madison
- Medina
- Middleton
- Monona
- Mount Horeb
- Oregon
- Sun Prairie
- Waunakee
- Westport
- Windsor
Dane County Pedestrian Crashes in 2020
Dane County’s number of pedestrian crashes was similar to its number of bike crashes in 2020. However, the pedestrian crashes were more deadly. In 2020, 84 pedestrian crashes occurred and they caused 89 injuries and four deaths. The accidents happened in communities, such as:
- Blooming Grove
- Burke
- Cottage Grove
- DeForest
- Fitchburg
- Madison
- Mazomanie
- McFarland
- Monona
- Mount Horeb
- Middleton
- Oregon
- Springfield
- Sun Prairie
- Verona
- Waunakee
- Windsor
The four fatalities occurred on:
- White Tail Drive at 019 in Sun Prairie
- W Main St at Clarmar Dr in Sun Prairie
- E Washington Ave at Burke Rd in Madison
- Cottage Grove Rd at Acewood Blvd in Madison
Dane County Alcohol-Related Accidents in 2020
In 2020, 446 Dane County alcohol-related and drunk driving accidents were reported. Of the 446 accidents, 211 people were hurt, and 12 people were killed in these crashes, which occurred in communities throughout the County, such as:
- Albion
- Berry
- Black Earth
- Blooming Grove
- Blue Mounds
- Bristol
- Brooklyn
- Burke
- Cambridge
- Christiana
- Cottage Grove
- Cross Plains
- Dane
- Deerfield
- DeForest
- Dunn
- Fitchburg
- Madison
- Marshall
- Mazomanie
- Medina
- McFarland
- Middleton
- Montrose
- Monona
- Mount Horeb
- Oregon
- Pleasant Springs
- Primrose
- Roxbury
- Rutland
- Springfield
- Stoughton
- Sun Prairie
- Verona
- Vienna
- Waunakee
- Westport
- Windsor
- York
Seven crashes resulted in 12 deaths which occurred on:
- 012 at TUR in Springfield
- Northport Dr at Elka Ln in Madison
- Hayes Rd at Forest Run Rd in Madison
- Ruby Ln at Buena Vista Dr in Sun Prairie
- White Tail Dr at 019 in Sun Prairie
- 069 at Quarry Rd in Montrose
- 014 at 092 in Rutland
Dane County Drugged Driving Accidents in 2020
Police flagged 234 Dane County crashes as drugged driving accidents in 2020. Five deaths and 144 injuries were reported. The crashes occurred throughout Dane County, including in:
- Albion
- Berry
- Blooming Grove
- Bristol
- Brooklyn
- Burke
- Cambridge
- Christiana
- Cottage Grove
- Dane
- Deerfield
- DeForest
- Dunn
- Fitchburg
- Madison
- Medina
- Middleton
- Monona
- Montrose
- Oregon
- Pleasant Springs
- Roxbury
- Rutland
- Springfield
- Stoughton
- Sun Prairie
- Verona
- Vienna
- Waunakee
- Westport
- Windsor
Five fatalities were reported at accidents which occurred on:
- 012 at TUR in Springfield
- 012 at S Mineral Point Rd in Madison
- Mineral Point Rd at Grand Canyon Rd in Madison
- The parking lot at Atlas Ave in Madison
- White Tail Dr at 019 in Sun Prairie
Dane County Speeding Accidents in 2020
Speeding was a common cause of Dane County crashes in 2020. There were 1,121 speeding accidents that were reported, and these crashes caused approximately 459 injuries and 12 deaths. The accidents occurred in different cities and towns, such as:
- Albion
- Belleville
- Berry
- Blue Mounds
- Bristol
- Burke
- Cambridge
- Christiana
- Cottage Grove
- Cross Plains
- Dane
- Deerfield
- DeForest
- Dunkirk
- Dunn
- Fitchburg
- Madison
- Marshall
- Mazomanie
- McFarland
- Medina
- Middleton
- Monona
- Montrose
- Mount Horeb
- Oregon
- Perry
- Pleasant Springs
- Primrose
- Roxbury
- Rutland
- Shorewood Hills
- Springdale
- Springfield
- Stoughton
- Sun Prairie
- Verona
- Vienna
- Waunakee
- Westport
- Windsor
- York
The fatal crashes occurred on:
- V at Wernick Rd in Windsor
- White Tail Dr at 019 in Sun Prairie
- Ruby Ln at Buena Vista Dr in Sun Prairie
- Northport Dr at Elka Ln in Madison
- S Stoughton Rd at Cottage Grove Rd in Madison
- S Whitney Way at Marathon Dr in Madison
- Mineral Point Rd at Grand Canyon Dr in Madison
- 012 at S Mineral Point Rd in Madison
Dane County Teen Driving Crashes in 2020
In 2020, 1,001 teen driving accidents were flagged in Dane County. These crashes allegedly caused two deaths and 330 injuries. They occurred throughout the County, including the communities of:
- Albion
- Belleville
- Berry
- Black Earth
- Blue Mounds
- Bristol
- Brooklyn
- Burke
- Cambridge
- Christiana
- Cottage Grove
- Cross Plains
- Dane
- Deerfield
- DeForest
- Dunkirk
- Dunn
- Fitchburg
- Madison
- Marshall
- Mazomanie
- McFarland
- Medina
- Middleton
- Monona
- Montrose
- Mount Horeb
- Oregon
- Perry
- Pleasant Springs
- Roxbury
- Rutland
- Springdale
- Springfield
- Stoughton
- Sun Prairie
- Vermont
- Verona
- Vienna
- Waunakee
- Westport
- Windsor
- York
Both Dane County fatal teen accidents occurred in Madison. One crash occurred on Hayes Rd at Forest Run Rd, and the other crash happened on Mineral Point Rd at Grand Canyon Rd.
Dane County Older Driver Accidents in 2020
In 2020, 1,049 Dane County crashes involved drivers age 65 and older. These crashes reportedly caused three deaths and 354 injuries. They happened throughout the County, including in the following villages, towns, and cities:
- Albion
- Belleville
- Berry
- Black Earth
- Blooming Grove
- Blue Mounds
- Bristol
- Burke
- Cambridge
- Christiana
- Cottage Grove
- Cross Plains
- Dane
- Deerfield
- DeForest
- Dunkirk
- Dunn
- Fitchburg
- Madison
- Marshall
- Mazomanie
- McFarland
- Middleton
- Medina
- Monona
- Montrose
- Mount Horeb
- Oregon
- Pleasant Springs
- Primrose
- Roxbury
- Rutland
- Springdale
- Springfield
- Stoughton
- Sun Prairie
- Vermont
- Verona
- Vienna
- Waunakee
- Windsor
- York
The three fatal crashes occurred on:
- 093 at Missouri Rd in Deerfield
- T at Felland Rd in Burke
- 012 at BB in Monona
Dane County Work-Zone Crashes in 2020
There were 257 Dane County work-zone accidents that were reported in 2020. These crashes allegedly caused one death and 83 injuries and occurred in the communities of:
- Albion
- Blooming Grove
- Christiana
- Cottage Grove
- Deerfield
- DeForest
- Fitchburg
- Madison
- McFarland
- Middleton
- Monona
- Oregon
- Pleasant Springs
- Rutland
- Springfield
- Stoughton
- Sun Prairie
- Verona
- Vienna
- Westport
The fatality occurred on 039 at 039 in Madison.
Call a Madison Personal Injury Lawyer After a Dane County Crash
Insurance companies know that our experienced Madison car accident attorneys mean business. Often, insurers are willing to settle with us rather than risk going to trial. However, if an insurance company is unwilling to provide a fair settlement for our clients, we won’t hesitate to go to court to get them the fair compensation they deserve.
Have You Been Injured In A Wisconsin, Illinois or Iowa Car Accident?
If you've been injured in a car accident you should speak to an experienced car accident attorney as soon as possible. You can contact us online or call our office directly at 800.800.5678 to schedule your free consultation with one of our car accident lawyers. We have been helping car accident victims since 1964 and service clients throughout Illinois, Wisconsin and Iowa.
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