Illinois has no motorcycle helmet use law, so legally, Gurnee motorcycle riders do not have to wear a helmet. However, all the best advice indicates that it is unsafe not to wear one.
According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) and the affiliated Highway Loss Data Institute, helmets “decrease the severity of head injuries, the likelihood of death, and the overall cost of medical care.” These are convincing reasons to wear a helmet; after all, Gurnee motorcycle accidents do happen.
What could be a good reason not to wear one—that they aren’t particularly comfortable? That they mess up your hair? Vanity is hardly a good reason to ignore safety concerns.
Helmets are designed to cushion the head and protect a rider’s head during a crash. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that wearing a helmet reduces the chance of dying by 37 percent. The IIHS cites a recent literature study as estimating that helmets are 42 percent effective at preventing fatalities and 60 percent effective at preventing head injuries.
Do you need further convincing? Unhelmeted motorcycle riders are three times more likely to suffer traumatic brain injuries than are helmeted riders.
Hupy and Abraham urge you to wear a helmet; it doesn’t make sense not to. If you have the misfortune of being injured in a motorcycle wreck in Gurnee, contact us. As Gurnee motorcycle accident lawyers, we can sort out the details and get you justice. Call us toll free at 800-800-5678 or locally at 414-223-4800. Use our HYPERLINK ""online contact form for a FREE, no-obligation consultation. You can also request our FREE book, The Ultimate Guide for Motorcycle Accident Victims.