You may still benefit from contacting an Iowa personal injury lawyer even if you qualify for Veterans' disability benefits because of your hearing loss or tinnitus injury.
A Lawyer May Help if You Used 3M Earplugs
From 2003 to 2016, many U.S. servicemembers were provided 3M Dual-ended Combat Arms™, Version 2 Earplugs to protect their hearing. Servicemembers in the Army, Air Force, Marine, and Navy were told to use the 3M earplugs to prevent hearing injuries from the loud noises associated with weapons, vehicles, and military equipment.
Unfortunately, the 3M earplugs that were provided to many servicemembers turned out to have a design defect. The earplugs had two sides. One side was meant to provide complete noise protection and the other side was meant to provide protection from loud noises while still allowing servicemembers to hear people talking around them. However, the earplugs were too short to be fully inserted into many servicemembers' ears, and servicemembers did not get the protection they thought they were getting when they used their standard-issue 3M Dual-ended Combat Arms, V2 Earplugs.
In 2018, 3M settled a case with the federal government pursuant to the False Claims Act. However, that case did not provide any compensation to individual servicemembers who suffered hearing loss and tinnitus injuries because of 3M's defectively designed earplugs.
If you are one of the servicemembers who suffered a hearing injury after using a 3M Dual-ended Combat Arms earplug, then you may be able to make a legal recovery in addition to continuing to receive your Veterans' disability benefits.
We are Dedicated to Helping Veterans
Our Iowa personal injury lawyers are grateful for the sacrifices and hard work of our military. Accordingly, we regularly support Veterans' causes, including, but not limited to, preparing wills for Veterans and fundraising for Veterans' causes.
We also support individual servicemembers who suffer tinnitus or hearing loss from the defective earplugs they received from the military. You may be able to receive legal damages and keep your Veterans' disability benefits. Call us or fill out our online contact form today to schedule a free consultation about rights and potential compensation.