If you’ve been in a car accident then it is important to contact the police. If anyone has been injured or if your accident is in a location that could make a secondary accident likely, then you should immediately call 911. The 911 dispatcher will send both police and medical first responders to the accident scene. If your accident was less serious then you may call the local police or the state police directly.
Who you contact will depend on the location of your crash. Local police generally respond to accidents that occur within municipalities and state police typically respond to accidents that happen on state or interstate roads such as an Illinois tollway. It is important to know which police force responded to and investigated your crash so that you can request a copy of your police report after the accident.
How You Can Get a Copy of Your Police Report
If a local police report investigated your accident then you will need to contact the local police department for a copy of your police report. You can find directions for making your request on the website of many police departments. Some police departments, such as the Chicago Police Department, have accident reports available online.
The general procedures for requesting an Illinois State Police Accident Report are as follows:
- Obtain a copy of your motorist report to make sure the Illinois State Police investigated your accident and to get the information that you need to make your request.
- Submit a written request with as much information about your accident as possible, including the agency crash report number, the IDOT number, the date of the crash, your name and the driver’s name (if applicable).
- Indicate whether you are requesting a traffic crash report or a traffic crash reconstruction report. If requesting a traffic crash report include a $5 check or money order and if requesting a traffic crash reconstruction report include a $20 check or money order. These prices are subject to future changes.
- Include a self-addressed stamped envelope.
- Mail the package to:
Illinois State Police
Patrol Records Section
801 South 7th Street, Suite 700-A
Springfield, Illinois 62703
If you have a question about which police force investigated your crash, you can call the Illinois State Police at 217-785-0614. They can tell you if the state police investigated your crash. If the answer is yes, then you can request a copy of your report as indicated above. If the answer is no, then you can request a copy of your report from the local police department in the municipality where your crash occurred.
It’s Important to Know What’s in Your Police Report
The police report is not always definitive. The information contained in the report may be correct or incorrect. However, it is always important to know what is contained in the report and to share the report with your attorney. If you need help obtaining a copy of your report and protecting your legal rights after an Illinois auto accident, then please contact us today for more information.