Illinois law requires all motor vehicle drivers to carry liability insurance in case of an accident. However, not all drivers obey the law, and some motorists do not have the required insurance to pay for the injuries and damages they cause in a crash.
If you are the one injured by an uninsured driver, then you may be angry and scared, but you may also recover legal damages for your injuries.
How to Get the Motorcycle Accident Damages You Deserve
You can try to sue the driver who caused your crash for damages. Typically, however, uninsured drivers do not have the assets or the income to pay for all of your past and future medical bills, lost income, out-of-pocket costs, pain, and suffering.
To make a fair recovery of these damages, you will likely need to file an uninsured motorist claim with your own motor vehicle insurance company. Illinois law requires drivers to have uninsured motorist coverage. Therefore, if you have motor vehicle liability insurance, then you should have uninsured motorist coverage.
When you pursue an uninsured motorist claim against your own insurance company, it is important to remember that your own insurance company wants to pay you as little as possible for your motorcycle accident injuries. All insurance companies—including the one to which you pay premiums—make money by paying out as little as they can for claims. Therefore, it is essential to treat your insurance company the same way that you would any other insurance company after a crash.
Get the Legal Representation You Need to Recover Damages
Insurance companies that do business in Illinois know that the experienced personal injury lawyers of Hupy and Abraham mean business. Often, this makes them more willing to negotiate fair settlements. However, if your insurance company is unwilling to treat you fairly, then our lawyers will not hesitate to go to trial to represent your interests.
Call us or start a live chat with us at any time to schedule a free and confidential consultation with an attorney in our Cedar Rapids, Des Moines, or Davenport office today. If your injuries keep you from coming to our office, then we will be happy to come to your home or hospital to meet with you and to discuss your legal options after an uninsured motorcycle crash in Iowa.