Without knowing more about the specific facts of your case, it is difficult for a reputable Des Moines slip and fall lawyer to give you a definitive answer. However, we can tell you that you could have a possible case if you were injured while getting off a ride at an Iowa amusement park, carnival, or other event.
Generally, you may be able to recover damages if there was a danger that was known, or should have been known, to the property owner, amusement park operator, or a worker at the park. For example, if there was an unmarked step where people had fallen before, or if there was a missing railing and you were not warned of any danger, then you may be able to recover damages if you were hurt.
Depending on the facts of your case, you may be able to recover damages for your past, current, and future medical expenses, lost income, out-of-pocket costs, pain, suffering, and other losses or expenses.
For more information about how Iowa slip and fall law may apply to your case, we encourage you to contact an experienced Des Moines slip and fall attorney today via this website or by calling 515-984-0091 or 888-807-2752 to schedule a free consultation. We also invite you to request a FREE copy of our informational DVD, Secrets Insurance Companies Don’t Want You to Know, to learn more about insurance negotiations after a personal injury accident.