Women fighting over large TV while shoppingThe answer is sometimes. A store may not be held liable just because a customer has done something that is illegal or that hurts you. However, if the store failed to provide adequate security and you were injured because of that negligent security then the store, the property owner, or the insurance company may be responsible for paying your legal damages.

Think About This

You are going about your own business and doing some holiday shopping at a local jewelry store when suddenly another person in the store attacked you in an attempt to steal your wallet, take your recent purchase, or rob the store. You have been physically injured in the attack. Whether or not the jewelry store should pay for your injuries depends on whether they provided you with adequate security while you were in the store.

When considering whether the security provided was adequate or negligent, the following things may be considered:

  • Whether extra security was provided, or should have been provided, during the holiday season.
  • The types of security that other jewelry stores in the area provide during the holiday season.
  • The specific security that was in place at the time of your attack.

You will need to take a close look at the store’s security plan and the implementation of that plan to determine if there is a plausible cause of action and whether the store may help with the costs of your recovery.

To learn more, please download a FREE copy of our report, Negligent Security: What You Need to Know About It, and please start a live chat with us today.

Jason F. Abraham
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Helping car accident and personal injury victims throughout Wisconsin, Illinois and Iowa since 1993.