Experiencing a motorcycle accident in Wisconsin is a terrifying experience that can leave you quite shaken up. By staying calm, observant, and smart, you can take steps to help your situation. The following is a step-by-step guide to dealing with the immediate and long-term aftermath of a Wisconsin motorcycle crash:
- Call the police. Even if you don’t think you’ve been injured, it is important to receive immediate medical attention after a motorcycle accident.
- Give an accident report but never admit fault. Speak only to the police officer on the scene, and give as much detail as possible. If you are not comfortable giving a statement on the scene, wait until you’ve spoken to an attorney.
- Take pictures. If you don’t have a camera on your phone, keep a disposable camera stored on your bike in case of a crash. Photograph damage to your bike, any marks on the road, as well as visible injuries you’ve sustained.
- Exchange information with anyone else involved in the crash. Important facts include the other drivers’ make, model, license plate numbers, along with birth dates, driver’s license numbers, and information about their insurance providers.
- Call your insurance company. Tell them about your accident and give the information you’ve collected about the other drivers. Much like when speaking to the police officer on the scene, it is important not to admit fault or say anything that could later be used to weaken your case.
Contact an experienced and qualified motorcycle accident attorney, such as those at Hupy and Abraham You can also call Hupy and Abraham at 800-800-5678 (toll-free) or 414-223-4800 (local) for your FREE copy of The Ultimate Guide for Motorcycle Accident Victims.
If you are interested in learning more about accident scene management, visit Hupy and Abraham to learn about educational classes.