Driving under the influence is not only dangerous for the driver, but also for any vehicles and pedestrians that are nearby. Alcohol-related accidents account for over 44 percent of fatalities from Wisconsin car crashes. Despite these statistics, drivers are still drinking and driving. A federal government report released in 2008 indicated that Wisconsin leads the U.S. in drunken driving rates, with one-quarter of drivers driving under the influence within the past year.
Drivers who are under the influence generally have certain signs that they are not sober. Knowing these signs can keep you safe as you steer clear of these drivers.
Some of the signs that drunk drivers will display include:
- Wide turns. A person driving under the influence often makes turns with a very wide radius. You may see a driver who swings out wide to make a turn that would otherwise be easily maneuvered.
- Straddling lanes. A drunk driver will attempt to concentrate—and compensate for his intoxication—by using the lines on the road. He will not realize he is driving down the middle of the road.
- Weaving. Because being intoxicated impairs the ability to focus and to maintain a straight line, drunk drivers tend to weave in and out of their lanes. They can even weave within their own line.
- Extremely slow speeds. Driving well below the speed limit—especially more than 10 mph slower than the flow of traffic—is common with drunk drivers. As they try to focus, they slow down in the process.
- Erratic braking and stopping. The drunk driver may stop at an unmarked intersection or at a green light. In their impairment, they are being overcautious and are easily confused on when and where to stop.
If you have been involved in a drunken driving accident in Wisconsin, contact a Madison personal injury lawyer at Hupy and Abraham. Our Wisconsin injury attorneys will fight to get you the compensation you deserve. Call 608-277-7777 (local) or 888-277-4879 (toll-free) for a case evaluation. Just for calling, we will be glad to send you a FREE copy of our book, The Ultimate Guide for Motorcycle Accident Victims.