Hupy and Abraham, S.C welcome Attorney Cindy Ekstam to Davenport office

Hupy and Abraham, S.C. would like to welcome Attorney Cindy Ekstam who is joining Hupy and Abraham in our Davenport office location. Prior to accepting this role with Hupy and Abraham, Attorney Ekstam was a partner at Panek Ekstam LLC in the greater Chicago area. She also has experience as the former supervising partner at Parrillo Weiss LLC and as a former business analyst at Hewitt Associates. Attorney Ekstam earned a Juris Doctorate degree from John Marshall Law School and studied business management at Augustana.

“Cindy stood out to us, not only because of her impressive experience, but also because of her outstanding reputation,” said Managing Partner Attorney Jason Abraham. “We are confident that Cindy’s exceptional work ethic and background in the field will be a great asset to the firm.”


Jill Erin Wellskopf
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Director of Marketing, Hupy and Abraham