For many people, the joy and excitement of riding a motorcycle ends with the onset of winter. They fear that riding in the cold weather will be miserable and dangerous. To a certain extent this is true, as many Milwaukee motorcycle accidents happen in adverse weather conditions.
It is possible for a motorcycle to be ridden comfortably and safely all year long. The thought of this will bring much happiness to those who put up their gear and winterize their bikes as they eagerly await the springtime to begin riding again.
Wisconsin winters can be cold and brutal, making it important to prepare properly for winter rides. A few things a rider can do to make for a safe and enjoyable ride are:
- Dress appropriately. Becoming cold while riding can be distracting and cause a rider to lose focus and crash. While riding in the winter, a rider should wear gear that will keep him warm. Layered clothing, warm gloves, leathers, and a full mask are some of the attire that will keep a rider warm.
- Use a windshield. Many motorcycles are not equipped with windshields. A windshield will reroute some of the cold air that is blowing on the rider. Wind chill will create an even colder atmosphere and make it uncomfortable to ride.
- Maintain the bike. Riding in cold weather is harder on the motorcycle than during warmer months. Having a well maintained motorcycle will help to prevent accidents and breakdowns while on the road.
Motorcycling in the winter can be a fun and exciting experience. Your first concern should still be your safety.
If you have been involved in an accident you may be entitled to compensation. Contact an expert Milwaukee motorcycle crash attorney at Hupy and Abraham to get the compensation you deserve. For a free case evaluation, call 800-800-5678 today. Also, be sure to request a free copy of our book, The Ultimate Guide for Motorcycle Accident Victims.