For a Wisconsin rider, deciding not to wear protective motorcycle gear is simply not worth the risk. Apparel such as boots, jackets, and gloves help keep a minor “spill” from causing major injuries, and also help to minimize harm in major accidents. While some riders may find all of this protective gear to be uncomfortable, hot, or cumbersome, responsible riders know the importance of protecting themselves, and that sometimes “more comfortable” could mean “more dangerous.”

The following statistics show the differences between light and durable clothing in terms of protection:

  • Jackets. The protection factor provided by wearing a light or medium jacket (i.e., cotton, denim, light leather) is only 69 percent, while a heavy jacket (leather, durable nylon, Kevlar) can provide a 92 percent protection factor in the event of a crash.
  • Trousers: The protection factor with light or medium trousers is 65 percent, compared to 96 percent with heavy leather trousers. Of course, even in the summer, it is never advisable to wear shorts while biking.
  • Footwear: Opting for “light footwear” such as street shoes or sneakers means choosing a 46 percent protection factor over the 93 percent offered by proper motorcycle boots. The crucial component of your footwear is that it must cover the entire foot and ankle.
  • Gloves: With gloves, the difference is less dramatic; medium gloves afford a 93 percent protection factor compared with a 95 percent protection factor by heavy gloves. With gloves, it’s most important that they be non-slip, to enable better use of your bike’s controls.

If you have been hurt in a Wisconsin, Iowa, or Illinois motorcycle accident, contact the attorneys of Hupy & Abraham today at 800-800-5676 (toll-free) or 414-223-4800 (local) for a free evaluation of your case, or send our lawyers an e-mail with your questions. A FREE copy of our book, The Ultimate Guide for Motorcycle Accident Victims, will be yours for the asking.