This July, the Women Motorcycle Organization will hold its annual Women on Wheels International Ride In (“Wow Ride In”). This important event was held for the first time in 1987. That year, the event occurred in Marion, Illinois. This year, it will be held for the 32nd time and it will take place in Johnson City, Tennessee.
The purpose of the WOW Ride In is to encourage women to “…enjoy the camaraderie of riding with other ladies that enjoy motorcycles and motorcycling….”. Biking is a wonderful way to spend time with friends, to explore the country, or to simply get from point A to point B.
Women Should Be Able to Ride Without Fear of Motorcycle Crashes
Many motorcycle crashes are reported in the news and some women may be afraid of being hurt in a serious bike crash. We encourage everyone—women and men—to ride without fear. You have the right to be on the road and to enjoy the experience of motorcycling.
As bikers and motorcycle accident lawyers, we are committed to helping make the roads as safe as we can for bikers. One of the biggest dangers facing bikers is drivers of other vehicles that don’t watch as closely as they should for motorcyclists. Accordingly, we regularly work on public awareness campaigns to educate all drivers about watching for bikers, and we have many resources, such as our free Rider Resource Kit, available to you so that you know just what to do if you are injured in a crash. We hope that you never need it and that you can enjoy events such as the WOW Ride In, local rides, or rides around your neighborhood. However, we encourage you to download it and to keep it as a resource in case you do need it. Our experienced motorcycle accident lawyers are here to help you if you do get hurt in an Illinois motorcycle crash. Contact us online or call us directly at 800.800.5678 to schedule your free consultation.