8 Safety Tips for Drivers 

1. Always look out for pedestrians everywhere.

2. Use extra caution when driving in hard-to-see conditions, such as nighttime or bad weather.

3. Slow down and be prepared to stop when turning or entering a crosswalk.

4. Yield to pedestrians in crosswalks.

5. Never pass vehicles stopped at a crosswalk. There may be people crossing you can’t see.

6. Avoid driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs.

7. Follow the speed limit, especially around people on the street and in school zones.

8. Remain extra cautious when backing up and looking for pedestrians.


To reduce the number of pedestrian accident injuries and fatalities, Hupy and Abraham are leading the charge in promoting awareness of pedestrian right-of-way laws. To help drivers better understand they should be yielding to pedestrians at all corners and crosswalks, the firm has distributed tens of thousands of “Yield to Pedestrians” bumper stickers.


Injured in an Accident?

For more information and additional resources, visit our website and our Facebook page.

In the unfortunate event that you or a loved one is injured this winter, please contact the experienced personal injury attorneys at Hupy and Abraham for a free consultation at 800-800-5678 or start a live chat with us anytime at Hupy.com.


Jill Erin Wellskopf
Connect with me
Director of Marketing, Hupy and Abraham