May is here and warmer days are coming. With the weather being more suitable for motorcycle riders, many bikes will be on the road. May is known as Motorcycle Awareness Month, a month dedicated to spreading motorcycle awareness to all drivers on the road.
Many drivers don’t have motorcyclists at the top of their minds, especially after winter when there aren’t many bikes on the road. Since motorcycles are much smaller than a car or truck, they are much harder to see while driving, especially if they are in your mirror’s blind spot. Additionally, many drivers are distracted by things like texting, making phone calls and eating while on the road, which adds to the danger for everybody. Training your mind to Watch for Motorcycles will help make the roads safer and save rider lives.
You can help keep yourself and other riders safe while spreading the message to Watch for Motorcycles to your friends, family and co-workers. Let them know that motorcycles can be much harder to see on the road. Tell them to check their blind spots and all around their car before changing lanes. They need to make sure they look twice before making a turn or pulling out onto a road. If everyone works together, many lives will be saved and the roads will be a much safer place.
Hupy and Abraham, S.C. has spread our motorcycle awareness campaign to “Watch for Motorcycles” for decades. Our firm has put out motorcycle awareness messages through public service announcements, a variety of bumper stickers and placement of billboards with the “Watch for Motorcycles” message at key locations in the Midwest. Hupy and Abraham also partners with ABATE of Wisconsin, which firm President Michael Hupy has been a member of for more than 30 years. ABATE also works to spread the message of motorcycle awareness and fights for motorcycle rider rights. We’ve been proud to partner with them at motorcycle rallies across the state to make sure drivers know the motorcyclists are back on the road.
In addition to partnerships and media, Hupy and Abraham sponsors motorcycle events across the Midwest including the Road Runners Bike Blessing, Mama Tried, the Milwaukee Rally and flat track races to help try to spread the “Watch for Motorcycles” message. Stay tuned to HUPY.COM and stay updated on motorcycle safety tips, videos and upcoming events.
If you’re injured on the road, Hupy and Abraham is here for you. We’ve helped over 70,000 clients receive over $1 billion for their injuries. Call 800-800-5678 or visit HUPY.COM today so we can help you.