A healthy liver performs more than 500 essential bodily functions. Your liver may not be your first concern after a car crash, but if you suffer liver trauma it can be a life-threatening medical emergency.
Different Kinds of Liver Injuries
The force of a car crash can cause liver trauma. Some of the liver injuries you may incur include:
- Blood clots
- Lacerations or tears
- Shearing of the liver tissue
- Bruising
These injuries may result in internal bleeding or bile leakage.
Living With a Liver Injury
You may not know that you suffered a liver injury immediately following the crash. Accordingly, it's essential to get prompt medical attention and report any liver injury symptoms to your medical provider. Potential symptoms of a liver injury include:
- Abdominal pain or tenderness
- Rapid heartbeat
- Lightheadedness
- Fast and shallow breathing
- Nausea and vomiting
Blood tests and diagnostic tests such as CT scans and ultrasounds may be necessary to diagnose a liver injury and help doctors form your treatment plan. Treatment may include anything from active monitoring to make sure your condition improves to emergency surgery.
What to Do After a Car Accident Liver Injury
Since you may not notice liver injury symptoms immediately, it's essential to get prompt medical care. Additionally, you can begin protecting your legal right to a fair recovery by:
- Calling 911. Police officers and medical first responders will be dispatched to the accident scene to help you.
- Gathering evidence, if you can do so safely. You should never put yourself in danger of further injury. However, if you can move at the accident scene, you can take pictures from different angles and gather witness contact information.
- Being cautious with insurance adjusters. Insurance adjusters need information about your accident to offer you a settlement. However, insurance companies want to offer you as little as possible for your liver injury and other accident injuries. Anything that you say to an insurance adjuster may be used against you. Accordingly, you should let the adjuster know that an attorney represents you.
- Contacting an experienced car accident lawyer. A lawyer will ensure that all of your rights are protected and fight for your fair and just recovery.
Once you contact an attorney, you won't have to worry about whether you are making the right choices.
Car Accident Compensation
A liver injury may result in substantial medical expenses, lost time from work, and other costs. A successful car accident case may allow you to recover for all accident-related damages including past and future:
- Healthcare costs such as emergency room visits, doctors' visits, hospitalizations, surgeries, medications, and other medical expenses
- Lost income for any wages, bonuses, benefits, raises, and self-employment income you can't earn due to your injuries
- Out-of-pocket costs for property damage and other expenses incurred due to the accident
- Pain and suffering for your physical pain and emotional suffering
An experienced car accident attorney will value these damages for you and fight for your fair recovery. Insurance companies know that Hupy and Abraham means business and that we won't settle for less than your case is worth. Often, insurers want to settle our clients' claims to avoid litigation. However, we are always prepared to go to court to protect your rights.
Learn About Our Win or It's Free Guarantee
We believe that everyone deserves fair access to the legal system if someone else's negligence has hurt them. Accordingly, we do not charge hourly legal fees. Instead, we are paid an agreed-upon percentage of your total recovery. If your case does not end in financial compensation for you, then we don't get paid. That's our Win or It's Free Guarantee.
Have You Been Injured In A Wisconsin, Illinois or Iowa Car Accident?
If you've been injured in a car accident you should speak to an experienced car accident attorney as soon as possible. You can contact us online or call our office directly at 800.800.5678 to schedule your free consultation with one of our car accident lawyers. We have been helping car accident victims since 1964 and service clients throughout Illinois, Wisconsin and Iowa.
Did the accident take place in Wisconsin?
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