A settlement offer is on the table, and you have a big decision to make. Should you accept the settlement for your truck accident injuries, should you continue negotiating, or should you take your case to court?
Before you decide whether to settle your truck accident case, some critical questions need answers.
Questions to Ask Yourself Before Settling a Truck Accident Case
As you consider your settlement, it may be helpful to ask yourself the following questions:
- Does this compensate me for all of my injuries? Before you can answer this question, you must identify all of your current and future damages. If you aren’t confident that you’ve thought of everything, then a settlement may be premature.
- Am I being pressured into settling quickly? If you don’t have enough time to consider the settlement carefully, then the insurance company may be trying to get you to settle for less than your case is worth.
- Does this feel comfortable? You may never have had to settle a personal injury case before, and you may be uncertain about whether to accept the settlement. Once you agree to the settlement, you won’t be able to recover additional compensation for your truck accident injuries. Accordingly, it is essential to talk to an experienced truck accident lawyer about whether this settlement is right for you.
Questions to Ask Your Doctor Before Settling a Truck Accident Case
Before you settle a truck accident claim, you may want to ask your doctor:
- Have I reached the point of maximum medical improvement? Once you reach this point, you may have an easier time identifying your future medical needs and the impact your injuries may have on your daily living activities and ability to work.
- Can you reasonably anticipate my future medical care treatment needs? You may need additional medical treatments, physical therapy, or other care. These costs must be included in your current settlement or you will be responsible for them.
Answers to Get from a Truck Accident Lawyer Before Settling Your Claim
Our experienced truck accident attorneys will provide you with honest and accurate information so that you can confidently decide whether or not to accept a settlement. Before you respond to the insurance company, we will answer the following questions for you:
- Is the proposed settlement fair? An attorney will review your case to identify your potential damages and compare those damages to the proposed settlement. Your truck accident recovery should include compensation for past and future medical costs, lost income, out-of-pocket costs, physical pain, and emotional suffering. Some of these damages may have hard to identify or quantify, but an experienced lawyer will make sure that they are all considered in your recovery.
- Could I get more if we continue negotiating or go to trial? Your lawyer will consider the quality of the evidence in your case, potential defenses, and other factors to answer this question.
- What are the risks of rejecting the settlement offer and going to trial? An experienced lawyer can consider whether going to trial is worth the risk of rejecting the current settlement offer.
Our job is to help you weigh the potential benefits and costs of all of your options.
Insurance companies are often willing to provide our clients with fair settlement offers because they know that we are not afraid to go to trial. We prepare each case as if it is going to trial, and we are ready to fight for our clients’ fair recoveries.
You Have Limited Time to Accept a Settlement Offer
Let us help you get the recovery you deserve. Call us today to schedule a free consultation in one of our 11 Midwest offices throughout Wisconsin, Illinois, and Iowa. We also provide free consultations by video conference, phone, or in your home or hospital room. Learn more about your claim now so that you can make sure that you don’t leave any money on the table unnecessarily.
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