It's been 164 days to date since the tragedy in Waco, Texas unfolded. We know nine deaths occurred, but not who was responsible for those deaths. Authorities suggest anyone and everyone who was present at the Twin Peaks Restaurant that day had some role in what they describe as a "showdown" between rival gangs.
riders have a disdain for the word "gangs" and point out that the various groups at Waco that day had MC on their vests, or RC in some cases. Those initials stand for motorcycle club or riding club. As for some showdown between rivals, most who were present that day were there to attend a regular meeting of clubs and independents to discuss matters of legislation or other news of interest to riders. Some riders may have even been there by chance, oblivious to the regular scheduled meeting.
In the aftermath of the chaos that day, 177 people, men and some women, were rounded up, detained, and later transported to a holding facility. All were initially arrested for being a part of a criminal enterprise or conspiracy. Each of the 177 were given $1million bail requirements to get out of jail. This is some of what we know. There are many more questions. Among some of the things we don't know is the collateral damage that these people are facing. There was an excellent editorial by Terry Roorda in Thunder Press magazine, August 16, 2015, describing some of this damage.
Now, 164 days later, we're still waiting to see what evidence there is to help explain what happened that day.