Keep Contact Before and While Traveling: Tell someone close to you your travel route, destination, time frame you will be arriving. Keeping someone informed can help in case your car should crash or flip.
Don’t Tred Bridges or Passageways: Bridges and passageways can become a driving hazard quickly. Due to being composed of metal or wood, sleet can stick and harden.
Freezing Rain:
Reduce Speeds during freezing rain. Gradually increase speeds on the highway rather than all at once.
Switch your tires before any freezing rain comes.
Pack a bag with first aid kits, non-perishable food and tools in case you end up stranded. You may also want to pack a blanket in case you are stuck somewhere on the ice for a while.
Take your car to a mechanic so that your car and heater are in working condition.
Injured in an Accident?
Knowing the proper procedure during a potential accident when dealing with sleet and freezing rain is essential. While it may not be possible to alleviate all chances of an accident, implementing these procedures may avoid costly vehicle damage and personal injury. For more information and additional resources, visit our website and our Facebook page.
In the unfortunate event that you or one of your loved ones is injured this winter, please contact the experienced personal injury attorneys at Hupy and Abraham for a free consultation at 800-800-5678 or start a live chat with us anytime at