Hupy and Abraham, S.C. has been a proud sponsor of the Ron Boyland Ride for over a decade. This ride is a continuation of our commitment to the communities we serve and another example of the many children’s causes we support throughout the year.
The June 15 ride started at Harley-Davidson of Madison with riders registering, enjoying refreshments and getting route instructions. This year, it was a self-guided ride without police support or ride marshals. Each rider could choose a route to the Mt. Horeb Fire Station and back to the Madison dealership.
Mt. Horeb recently completed construction of its new fire station and was happy to serve as the ride’s halfway point and show off their new building and equipment to the riders. They had ice cream treats for everyone, along with a ticket for a cash drawing as riders returned to Harley-Davidson of Madison.
Each year, riders gather to help raise funds for the Safe Harbor Child Advocacy Center. The focus of Safe Harbor is for children who were victims of abuse, or who witnessed a crime. The Child Advocacy Center is a national model that brings the system to the child and brings agency professionals together to work in a collaborative approach.
Safe Harbor provides a safe and friendly place for a child to talk about what has happened to them. Safe Harbor forensic interviewers are highly trained in best practice interviewing methods and understand child development. The forensic interview is video-recorded for court. Unfortunately, children are still required to testify. However, the recording can reduce the amount of testifying time and the child's own words in the video have an enormous impact on judges and juries.