When anyone suffers a dog bite or animal attack, it can be a very disturbing and traumatic experience. Unfortunately, victims of dog bites can suffer scarring, damage to the face, or permanent injuries, and require medical and legal help.

Because a dog bite can leave physical injuries as well as emotional wounds, victims of Wisconsin dog bites need to seek the legal advice of an experienced injury attorney who has handled these types of cases previously. Wisconsin dog bite lawyers who have represented victims in these types of injury claims know that there are more damages often available to victims that insurance companies don’t tell them about.

At Hupy and Abraham, our Milwaukee personal injury lawyers have handled hundreds of dog bite cases and know what to do in order to protect the rights and interests of dog bite victims in Wisconsin, Illinois, and Iowa. Call an experienced Wisconsin dog bite attorney today for a complimentary case consultation at 800.800.5678.

Jason F. Abraham
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Helping car accident and personal injury victims throughout Wisconsin, Illinois and Iowa since 1993.