The Wisconsin Law Journal held the 2019 Unsung Heroes ceremony at the Grain Exchange in Milwaukee. The annual event shines a light on support staff in the legal community that typically go unnoticed. Multimedia Specialist Eric Ellis and Lead Legal Assistant Ashley Molley were two Hupy and Abraham employees to receive this year’s award. Hupy and Abraham sponsored the luncheon, and Attorney Michael Hupy was in attendance.
Unsung Heroes tells the story of the “behind-the-scenes” roles that make law firms run. Twenty-one honorees had their moment in the spotlight, and their career milestones were shared with the event’s 200+ attendees.
Eric Ellis has been with Hupy and Abraham for over five years. His role as Multimedia Specialist has him travelling across the Midwest in order to document the firm’s achievement and events. He has produced over 1,000 videos for Hupy and Abraham, and taken a countless number of photos, all of which are examined and edited to perfection.
Ashley Molley worked her way up through the company since starting over 16 years ago. As Lead Legal Assistant, she oversees the progress of the firm’s corporate office team. She monitors hundreds of complex cases and works with clients, their families and other firm employees to obtain the best results possible.
These two employees have wildly different purposes and responsibilities, but are critical to Hupy and Abraham’s success. Their contributions are part of what makes the firm a voted best, rated best, award winning company. Hupy and Abraham congratulates and thanks Eric and Ashley on this well-deserved award and the dedication they show every day.