Making sure you have the best Wisconsin car accident insurance can only take you so far; other drivers are less predictable. The auto accident personal injury lawyers at Hupy and Abraham provide the following information to help you recover the damages owed to you after an accident, even if the other driver is uninsured:
About the law
Wisconsin enacted an uninsured motorist safety responsibility law in 1945. The law revokes the driver’s license and vehicle registration of uninsured drivers who are at fault in accidents and fail to pay for the damages and injuries they caused. This law creates an incentive to purchase insurance, and is intended to protect those involved in crashes with uninsured motorists.
After a crash
After being involved in a crash with an uninsured driver, it is very important to record all of the other driver’s information. Ask to take down information from his driver’s license and make a note of his address, telephone number and license plate number.
In the event that another driver does not have auto insurance because they cannot afford it, suing them for financial compensation may be a waste of time and money — even if you win. Understand the circumstances before pursuing legal action.
Your insurance policy
Your insurance policy may cover you for accidents with uninsured drivers. Contact your insurance provider for more information, and discuss the pros and cons of buying the coverage.
Legal action is sometimes possible with a driver’s own insurance company after an uninsured motorist proves unable to pay damages.
Have You Been Injured In A Wisconsin, Illinois or Iowa Car Accident?
If you've been injured in a car accident you should speak to an experienced car accident attorney as soon as possible. You can contact us online or call our office directly at 800.800.5678 to schedule your free consultation with one of our car accident lawyers. We have been helping car accident victims since 1964 and service clients throughout Illinois, Wisconsin and Iowa.