Dear Hupy and Abraham,
At this time of the year, three things always surprise me.
The first is the number of people who are worried that they won’t have enough food for their tables on Thanksgiving or Christmas. The House of Peace attempts to provide a holiday food box to the guests who register for them with enough food for their family meal at Thanksgiving or Christmas. 2,000 people registered for a box of food in nine days.
The second thing is that so many people are willing to do something extra for a box of food. We ask these guests to do their part to receive a box. One family member needs to come to the House of Peace to register in person. They need to come a second time to attend a 60 minuet class (on health issues or self-improvement or family issues,) and they need to return a third time to pick up their box of food and a meat item that the House of Peace provides. Their efforts demonstrate their love for their families.
Thirdly, it always surprises me how generous people can be. Almost all the food for those 2,000 boxes comes from individuals, families or other groups whose hearts have been touched by the need that many have for food. Recently I spoke to the parishioners at Old St. Mary Church in downtown Milwaukee about the need others have for food. Over 40 people who attended that Mass volunteered to fill up a box of food, a couple of them saying they would fill two boxes. 40 people willing to help over 40 families!
Of course, you surprise me too with your generous donation. I’m glad you demonstrate your faith and charity by helping out the poor. You motivate me to be more generous too.
Rev. Perry McDonald, O.F.M. , Capuchin
Pastoral Director