We are so sorry to hear about the loss of your husband in an Illinois motorcycle accident.
The financial, business, and legal aspects of death can be overwhelming even when death is expected—and the experience can be paralyzing when death is sudden, as it was for your loved one. We understand that it can be difficult to think about legal matters when you are grieving. However, we encourage you to contact an experienced Illinois motorcycle accident attorney to discuss your family’s rights.
Your spouse’s estate may have the right to pursue a wrongful death claim against the person who caused the wrongful death accident. Such a claim may be paid by an insurance company or settled in a personal injury trial. Generally, a recovery may be important to your family because it may include damages for your spouse’s medical bills and funeral, your spouse’s past and future lost income, your family’s out-of-pocket costs related to the accident and your spouse’s death, and compensation for the pain and suffering of your family.
One of our Illinois wrongful death lawyers will walk you through every step of the process and zealously advocate for your full recovery. We will work hard to get you the fair recovery that you deserve while you grieve and work on adapting to your new life. For more information, please call one our experienced lawyers today at 1-800-800-5678 and please read our FREE book, The Ultimate Guide for Motorcycle Accident Victims.