Case Settles At Mediation for Over Six Times Initial Offer

Our client, a Lake County woman, was rear-ended by an underinsured driver and suffered severe injuries. Attorney Vito Manicioto was able to get the at-fault insurance carrier to pay their policy limits very quickly. He then went to the client’s own underinsured motorist coverage and was met with extreme pushback. The client’s own insurance company was questioning the extent of our client’s injuries and was refusing to arbitrate her case.

Attorney Manicioto filed a lawsuit and hired an expert neurologist to review the client’s medical records. While at mediation, the insurance company’s initial offer was just over $23,000. Throughout mediation, Attorney Manicioto was able to show them the true impact of his client’s injuries and how the case would play out in front of a jury. Ultimately, the insurance company paid $150,000 to settle the case at mediation
