There are many law firms in Wisconsin, Illinois, and Iowa that you can pick from when hiring a lawyer to represent you and fight for your injury claim. Don’t you want to know what separates them? In this video Foster Web Marketing President and CEO Tom Foster interviews Jason Abraham, managing partner of Hupy and Abraham, to find out what he is proud of about his firm.

At Hupy and Abraham, we have excellent lawyers who do a fabulous job. By prioritizing service and getting successful results for our clients, we have built our law firm—growing it from one office to multiple offices with over 140 employees in three states. We are proud to help clients get their lives back on track and enjoy making a difference in the communities in which we work.

For a law firm that has successfully represented clients time and time again and continually makes a difference in the communities of Milwaukee, Madison, Appleton, Green Bay, Bloomington, Cedar Rapids, Des Moines, Gurnee and Rockford call Hupy and Abraham. You can reach us for a free consultation at 800.800.5678 or online at

Jason F. Abraham
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Helping car accident and personal injury victims throughout Wisconsin, Illinois and Iowa since 1993.