The Wisconsin, Iowa, and Illinois personal injury lawyers of Hupy and Abraham have had the pleasure of having William Shatner as our spokesperson for last six years. We are now pleased that he will be doing our television advertisements throughout the state of Iowa, as we have opened up new offices to serve our Iowa clients.

William Shatner, remembered for his roles as a successful attorney on Boston Legal and as Captain Kirk on Star Trek, endorses the personal injury law firm of Hupy and Abraham. The Midwest law firm is honored to have Shatner’s endorsement and strives to provide our clients with the best legal services possible.

If you need legal representation in Iowa, Illinois, and Wisconsin, please call our qualified and professional personal injury lawyers at Hupy and Abraham at 800.800.5678 for a complimentary consultation today or visit our informative website at

Jason F. Abraham
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Helping car accident and personal injury victims throughout Wisconsin, Illinois and Iowa since 1993.