After a Wisconsin car crash, how do you know if you are in good hands with your insurance company? Although Allstate and other insurance companies would like you to believe you are in good hands and that they are on your side, this is a huge misconception. Watch this video as Tom Foster and Jason Abraham discuss why insurance companies are not on a client’s side.
Unfortunately, people often feel like they are safe when they are dealing with their own insurance company following a Milwaukee car accident. However, it is important to know that not even your own insurance company is on your side. While insurance representatives may sound sweet and sympathetic, their main goal is to settle your claim as quickly as possible for as little money as possible. Our Wisconsin auto accident attorneys want you to remember that what insurance companies convey on television and what you get in real life are two different things.
Before you sign any documents or settle your case with the insurance company, you should contact an experienced Milwaukee accident attorney at Hupy and Abraham for a free, no-obligation case consultation at 800.800.5678 or online at