Hupy and Abraham is a proud sponsor of the 2019 Donald Driver Charity Softball Game. In this video, Jason Abraham talks to Donald Driver about the event and how it helps those in need.
00:05:(Jason) Hi, Jason Abraham here at the Donald Driver charity softball game. I am so excited to be here today. It is a beautiful day for a great cause. We have our employees out here for a summer picnic, we have a contest winner, and it is really just a great day to be with Donald and see what he does giving back to the community. A lot of former sports people here, actors, singers. And it’s just really an exciting time to embrace Donald, and all he has done to make this community a great place.
00:34: (Jason) Donald what are we doing here today?
00:35: (Donald) We are raising money for a great cause, the Donald Driver Foundation. It is all about touching lives, impacting lives. So, it’s been this big thing and I couldn’t do it without your support, and I love you to death.
00:44: (Jason) And I love you too. You’re such a great person and do so much to make the community better. We are so lucky that you still build ties to these communities. Thank you so much buddy.
00:54: (Donald) I love you; I love him, I love it all!