Hupy and Abraham,

My name is Gina Woods and I am President of “Open Road Radio”- a Lifestyle Talk Radio Show in major market radio for 15 years, creator of “Gina Woods’ XX Chromes” – all women bike builders, instructor at Accident Scene Management, invested member of Chicago ABATE, charity volunteer, PTA member and mother of two.

Being a busy member of the community and mother, I take my kids to a lot of Chicago events:  holiday parades, ice-skating, sledding, concerts, musicals… we do a lot! I also do a lot of community events with my career & passion: motorcycling. I watch and see who is involved with making things happen, who is supporting the sport and career I love so much. One of the companies I respect for helping the motorcycle community is Hupy and Abraham. Not only do they support Accident Scene Management, which is very near and dear to my heart, but they also donate to organizations that defend motorcycle rights. That is very near and dear to me as well. I have the utmost respect for Hupy and Abraham as a contributor to many charities in the motorcycling community and their dedicated volunteer work.

The “Watch For Motorcycles” campaign is one of the most important messages that can get out to the general public. Each year, we are unfortunately faced with a growing number of motorcycle accidents. I personally had a close relative die last year in a motorcycle accident that was another party’s fault. It couldn’t be simpler to me: “Watch For Motorcycles!” 

I appreciate the hard work and EFFECTIVENESS of the simple statement that Hupy and Abraham promotes year in and year out. Not just during motorcycle season but year round. That’s the message – ALWAYS “Watch For Motorcycles”... make it a habit, make it part of your routine, make it an everyday occurrence that you watch, pay attention, and be aware.

I thank Hupy and Abraham and the staff of motorcycle riders they employee that really know the motorcycle lifestyle and culture to promote “Watch For Motorcycles!”


G. Woods