Posted on Apr 18, 2019
motorcycle awareness month 2019


May is the recognized start of the motorcycle riding season in many states across America. Some states, like Massachusetts, choose April as the start, but all have the same message: Start looking for motorcycles on the roads.

Hupy and Abraham, S.C. has spent tens of thousands of dollars on motorcycle awareness campaigns, including public service announcements, various sized bumper stickers and placement of billboards with the “Watch for Motorcycles” message at key locations in Wisconsin. This year, Hupy and Abraham, S.C. has sponsored 18 billboards in Wisconsin, working with ABATE, to get the message out to other motorists.Hupy awareness billboard

Unfortunately, many states include the word safety in their annual message, but Wisconsin regards every month as safety month. Concentrating on the “awareness” message, Wisconsin reminds other vehicle drivers that motorcycles are coming out of winter storage and back on the roads with the warmer temperatures. ABATE is concerned with the safety of motorcyclists, and addresses that issue in other ways, like its award-winning beginner and experienced rider courses, the Share the Road program it presents at area schools and driver academies and annual awareness rallies across the state in May.

abate rally






As stated on the organization’s web page, “Using the Public Relations of ABATE of Wisconsin along with marketing, efforts will be made to promote awareness along with education and other safety reminders in a timely fashion to all users of the road. We will also encourage that all users of the road to make good decisions, from the beginning to the end of their journey. We will participate in the Motorcycle Safety Advisory Committee, along with other shareholders urging rider education and awareness. We will offer solid input, suggestions and ideas to reduce crashes and fatalities. We will continue to examine the single bike and unendorsed rider fatalities, urging all to ride endorsed and encourage training at convenient and affordable sites. We encourage all riders, to ride within their skill level and abilities following the rules of the road.”

You may see most states calling May Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month, but ABATE of Wisconsin thinks that is a mistake. Like stated above, every month is safety month, but calling May Motorcycle Awareness Month puts the emphasis on other motorists to be aware, where it belongs.

For a number of years, Wisconsin ABATE has been able to have May proclaimed Motorcycle Awareness Month by the governor. Please be aware of motorcycles on the roads, not only in May, but every month.  state of Wisconsin proclamation


Read More About May is Motorcycle Awareness Month in Wisconsin...

Tony Sanfelipo
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Senior Motorcycle Accident Investigator