58k crash

During November 2020, our client was driving a work vehicle south on North 25th Street in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The client came to a full and complete stop at his stop sign at West Wisconsin Avenue, and waited for the cross traffic on Wisconsin Avenue to clear. When it was safe to cross, our client proceeded southbound from his stop sign into the intersection with Wisconsin Avenue. The traffic on Wisconsin Avenue is uncontrolled, meaning that it does not have stop signs. Unfortunately, a westbound vehicle on Wisconsin Avenue was speeding, entered the intersection and struck our client broadside. As a result of the impact, our client was injured. 

The insurance company for the speeding vehicle immediately denied our client’s insurance claim, arguing that our client failed to yield the right of way when he proceeded from his stop sign. Attorney Evan Claditis supported our client and initiated a lawsuit against the insurance company that insured the responsible driver. This insurance company quickly offered its policy limits of $25,000 to settle the liability claim.  

Once those policy limits were accepted, Attorney Claditis pursued additional compensation through the underinsured motorist coverage on the work vehicle. Without the need for trial, Attorney Claditis was able to settle the underinsured motorist claim for an additional $33,000, for a grand total of $58,000 in compensation on a claim that was initially denied. 
