The Milwaukee Police Department reported two pedestrians, a 60-year-old Franklin woman, and a 69-year-old Muskego woman, were crossing the street near Water and Wells, in downtown Milwaukee, when they were both struck by an inattentive driver. The Muskego woman suffered minor bumps and bruises. The Franklin woman suffered traumatic head injuries and later died at the hospital. Both women were struck while walking in the marked crosswalk.
Wisconsin law states that vehicles must yield to all pedestrians who are crossing in a crosswalk including unmarked corners.
Hupy and Abraham has worked tirelessly to help prevent innocent pedestrians from being struck by vehicles while legally crossing streets.
The law firm recently created and fully funded a public service announcement spreading the important message that yielding to pedestrians in Wisconsin is not optional, it is the law. One of the actors in the PSA is a staff member of the law firm. The PSA was created within a four block radius of the office and the recent fatal accident.
Attorney Hupy was responsible for the development of this potentially life-saving PSA. He holds this community awareness project close to his heart and hopes that everyone in Wisconsin will listen to his message, “Save a life! Yield the right of way to pedestrians at all corners and crosswalks. It is the law.”
The law firm also created a “ YIELD TO PEDESTRIANS” bumper sticker that is mailed to those who request through the firm’s website,, as well as handed out at events. This free bumper sticker was also produced, at the cost of the firm, to help prevent serious accidents in Wisconsin. Close to 10,000 stickers have been distributed in the past six months.
Please help save lives by educating yourself on the law and yielding to pedestrians in Wisconsin crosswalks including all corners marked and unmarked.