Our client was driving her moped through an intersection when a driver suddenly turned left in front of her, though the defendant claimed our client simply ran into her while she was just waiting to turn in the middle of the intersection. At the scene, the responding officer not only didn't issue any citations due to their conflicting stories but also didn't speak with any witnesses.

Our client received abrasions and injured her shoulder, neck and back, causing her to go through physical therapy and chiropractic treatment and eventually having surgery for her shoulder. The insurance company treated the case as a 50-50 liability situation and even wanted to reduce our plaintiff's recovery by half.

We filed a lawuit and through investigation, our office was able to discover that an off-duty police officer had been at the scene. His deposition corroborated our client’s version of events and became very important to our case.

After the off-duty officer’s testimony was presented, we were able to settle the case at mediation for $115,000.
